Services & Rates
Phone Consultation & Contact Form
Call for a free phone consultation: (484) 854-1380 or fill out the Contact Us form by clicking HERE to schedule your call today.
We have expanded our programs to meet every budget, because every dog deserves to be trained.
Offering 1 week, 2 week & 3 week options
Your dog will learn life long skills that will permeate all aspects of your life. Due to the nature of some deep seated behaviors, board and train programs provide the structure and repetition that are necessary to change your dog. It is also the most fair approach, because it takes time for a dog to learn new problem solving behaviors. By removing a dog from their home (and owner/s) they are in the best space mentally and emotionally to learn. Furthermore, we teach you how to use leadership to get the desired behaviors that you want, and we show you the techniques and structure that must be in place in order for you and your dog to have continued success. Our board and train results are dramatic and life changing. Our owners feel a sense of empowerment they have never experienced before, and they move into a space of confidence knowing they and their dog have the skills necessary to move through situations that were once too challenging.
In our board and train programs, we teach you about leadership, and state of mind work, and how these things influence the behavior of your dog over time. We also provide you with the tools you need to continue maintenance when your dog comes home. You will receive instructional videos to watch while your dog is in training. You also have access to our PRIVATE client Facebook page where you get LIVE updates on your dog’s training journey. You also get 2 lessons during the board and train process to learn the skills and knowledge you need in order to maintain your dog’s behavior. These lessons take place at my shop in Collegeville.
We use professional grade remote collars to get the most reliable, most humane and fastest results possible. The Ecollar provides instant clarity to the dog. We use the lowest possible stimulation level to get the results you want. We provide a hands-on introduction to the collar so you get to feel what your dog feels. This is a medical grade TENS unit, or muscle stimulator, that is used by medical professionals –the sensation is best described as a tickle.
At the time of drop off, we will have a 15 minute meeting on what you can expect for homework (yes, you will have homework). There are two go-home sessions which MUST be completed before the dog goes home. These sessions are critical to transfer to you the techniques, and strategies that will allow you to have continued success. You will also have one additional follow up session available, if you need it. We are here to support you the entire life of your dog, because we want you to have success together as a canine-human unit.
A deposit of $300.00 is required to hold your dates. There is usually a 2 to 4 week wait, so call as soon as possible to get on the schedule.
The ecollar, training collar, leash and long line are included.
We work to stop the following:
- Dog aggression***
- Correcting bad behaviors (jumping on people, mouthing, nipping, chasing, stealing items)
- Biting
- Barking
- Leash reactivity***
- Dog reactivity
- Whining
- Fighting
- Pulling on leash
- Door bolting
- Chasing small animals
- Counter surfing
- Resource guarding of anything (food, toy, furniture, person)
- Jumping
- Mounting
- Fence charging/fighting
- Poop rolling/poop eating
- Destruction of property
- Digging
- Running away
- Separation anxiety, fear and aggression (3 to 4 weeks of training)***
Serious behaviors (severe leash reactivity, aggression, resource guarding, separation anxiety) may require additonal training. Most issues are resolved in 3 weeks.
Your dog may require a high powered Ecollar, which is an additional cost (about $100.00). Your dog may also require special contact points due to thick fur, which is an additional cost (about $20.00).
Each day includes a training walk, four daily training sessions, including obedience and duration work (which cultivates a calm state of mind and ability to handle stressful situations with poise), have socialization based on the dog’s current ability and will have the opportunity to problem solve through various social challenges, learn calmness while crated, will enjoy social outings if appropriate, and much more.
We offer continuing FREE education with our monthly pack walks in Collegeville (from May to October).
Coaching Consultation
If you are unable to bring your dog to us, or if you are a dog trainer and need help, we offer phone consultations. Tina can help with your specific dog problems, training strategies, business building, training philosophies and more! These training sessions can be done via phone or Skype. This is a great service for both owners and dog trainers.
Our phone consultation program options include:
- Individual sessions
- Custom-built package programs based around your goals for your dog
Don’t just send your dog to a kennel where they are nothing more than a number. So often dogs go into a boarding situation and come home with behavior problems. You can relax while you’re away knowing that your pet is in the best of care. Your dog will enjoy training and play sessions each day. There is always something fun going on at the daycare with other dogs and staff. Your dog will come home better behaved then when it arrived, plus will have enjoyed itself while you were away.
Your dog must be trained by us in order to participate in boarding. We offer boarding and basic training for dogs who have not been through training. An evaluation is necessary to see if your dog is a good fit. A formal board & train program will be receommnded.
Space is extremely limited, so plan to have a back up (or 2)!